Saturday, December 8, 2007


Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: racial discrimination- American Heritage Dictionary

Sounds like Cass has a new case to me... ;)

Cass- There arent any words

My heart breaks- I am constantly reminded that being a member of the gay community, and its ramifications are a full time job. At the same time that the supreme court has ruled that it cannot grant a same sex divorce(in a state that has more gays per sq mile then san francisco), a 25 year old trans man has ended his participation in the special olympics after many years because he changed for a basketball game in what the director considered the wrong bathroom, and told him that next time police would be escorting him out.
Now we have two women floating through legal pergatory, and a man who must chose one community over another.
With a system that dishes out these pains on a daily basis its no wonder that one in three gay teens attempt suicide.
WHere does it end? Sometimes I feel that progress is only measured by each day the members of the queer commmunity manage to stay breathing.
The land of the free isn't free for everyone-
Its no wonder Ive considered moving to amsterdam

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Connecting some of our authors to another music vid- God Bless Youtube

So heres the video for Queen's I want to break free... interesting if you think about it in the context of the Christiensen thing, as well as Carlson, Delpit,and Scwamp considering they used to use so much make up that Freddie Mercury looked white so they could better market him... either way Freddie looks fabulous in pink... and the song seemed appropriate for my current emotional state. What do you want for so late at night, this is what bordom gets you

Monday, November 19, 2007

Talking Points 8


Down Syndrome
Learning Disabilities
Inclusion in the classroom

Kweiler argues that all children, particularly those with down syndrome can be a participating and valuable asset to a nonsegregated school community, once the fact that they have a disability is looked past.

1. "Aknowledging students with Down syndrome as thoughtful, creative, and interested learners with personal identities that distinguish them from all other people suggests an individual value that enhances any context containing the child.

2. "Shared value exists in relationships in which individuals, including those with the most severe disabilites, are recognized as thinking,feeling, caring human beings with personalities all their own."

3. " In classrooms that recognize all children as citizens, teachers and peers have rejected the image of community burden attached to Down syndrome.Rather, the student is recognized as a participating member of the group."

Points to share

This article hits home for me. My cousin has Grand Mal Down's and lived with me for a short time when I was young. He was a student in an inclusionary high school, but had specific aides and classes. Therefore, while he was not in a segregated highschool he was in some segregated classes. He was labeled uneducable, and now uses a computer, and other appliances, is working towards getting a job and living in a group home. The experience has added to my life story, taught me sign language, and created a very special bond between myself and him. I understand the benefits he provides to all the different people he comes into contact with on a daily basis.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Talking Points 7 I think-

"One More River to Cross"- Recognizing the Real Injury in Brown: A Prerequisite to Shaping New Remedies
Charles Lawrence

- Race
- Brown vs BoEd.
-inferiority vs superiority
-Plessy vs Furguson
-intention vs practice

Lawrence argues that"the Brown decision fostered a way of thinking about segregation that has allowed both the judiciary and society at large to deny the reality of race in America."

1. " the institution as an instrument of subordination which used a strict and rigid cast system to clearly define and limit the social, political, and economic mobility of blacks. Woodward has called "Jim Crow" laws the "public symbols and constant reminders" of the inferior position of blacks."

2. "Instead of taking judicial cognizance of the fact that the manifest purpose of segregation was to designate blacks as inferior, holding such a purpose constitutionally impermissible, the Court chose to focus upon the effect of school segregation."

3. "Once blacks are labeled as inferior, they are denied access to equal societal opportunities. The resulting inadequate educational preparation, poverty of cultural backgrounds, and lack of experience constitute real limitations on their ability to contribute to society, and the prophecy of their inferiority is fufilled."

I think I am going to have to wait to fully comment on this piece until after our class discussion, becuase I need time to digest some of the points. However, on the surface I feel like this article is one of those pieces that highlights when intentions are not enough...
I will continue at a later date

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


whats the el ed admission deadline anyone know??

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Kozol Maybe? A link-

So here's some Kozol-esque media for you- in Tracy Chapmans Across the Lines track- this video is her performance for Amnesty International... sounds as awesome as the CD recording- and one of her many social justice commentary tracks
How different the world would be with a Chapman for president... hmm..